Trial Reports (by Year)
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Teff Milling and Flour Analysis (2022-2023)
Crop Types: Forages
Centre(s): PCDF
The project objectives included milling teff grain into flour and testing the flour for nutritional and quality attributes. Milled product was then sent to Central Testing
Laboratories for the following tests: Falling Number, Starch Damage, Starch (Megazyme), Amylase, Available Carbohydrate for Humans, Estimated Calories for Humans, % Moisture, % Dry Matter, % Crude Protein, Total Dietary Fibre, % Fat, and % Ash.
Agriculture Agri-Food Canada Corn Variety Evaluation (2021)
Crop Types: Corn
Centre(s): PCDF
To develop and release early maturing cold tolerant corn inbreds with emphasis on the 1800-2000 CHU market.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Conventional Soy Protein Variety Evaluation (2021)
Crop Types: Soybean
Centre(s): PCDF
Examine 20 varieties of conventional soybean to determine protein differences between eastern and western Canada sites.
Assessment of Atlas XC in improving soil fertility in spring wheat (2021)
Crop Types: Cereals, Wheat
Centre(s): PESAI
To evaluate the effect of Atlas XC along with mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) on the growth and productivity of spring wheat.
Assessment of early planting and tile drainage on the pea production (2021)
Crop Types: Peas, Pulses
Centre(s): PESAI
To evaluate the effect of tile drainage and early seeding on the crop growth and yield of yellow peas.
Assessment of full season cover crop blend for forage production (2021)
Crop Types: Forages
Centre(s): PESAI
Full season cover crop blend from Covers & Co was assessed for forage production on heavy clay soils in Interlake region of Manitoba. This blend was harvested at three different cut times (Early, Normal & Late) to examine the effects on forage yield and quality. Regrowth potential (second cut) for fall grazing was also assessed in the study.
CDC Linseed Flax Coop Variety Evaluation (2021)
Crop Types: Flax
Centre(s): PCDF
To evaluate pre-registration varieties for the Linseed Coop.
Chicory-Cereals Intercrop (Year 1) (2021)
Crop Types: Cereals
Centre(s): PCDF
To evaluate intercropping potential for cereals and chicory.
Determining yield potential of annual forages/cover crop mixtures in the Interlake region of Manitoba (2021)
Crop Types: Forages
Centre(s): PESAI
This project was planned to determine yield potential of four annual forages when grown in combination with cover crop mixture (TG Extend). Forage quality comparisons were also done in the test.
Does balanced fertility program increases yield of new winter wheat varieties? (2021)
Crop Types: Cereals, Winter Wheat
Centre(s): PESAI
To compare historical /standard “Producer Practice” (100% spring) fertility program to a balanced, “High Yield Practice” as determined by Western Ag Soil analysis and recommendations.