Assessment of Atlas XC in improving soil fertility in spring wheat
Nutrien Ag Solutions
To evaluate the effect of Atlas XC along with mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) on the growth and productivity of spring wheat.
No differences in grain yield and protein content (%) was observed due to addition of fertilizer catalyst. This might be due to the drought conditions prevailed at the site during growing season of 2021.
ATLAS XC is a biochemical fertilizer catalyst specifically formulated for use with dry fertilizer blends in canola, cereals, soybeans, peas, lentils and other key crops. This fertilizer catalyst contains concentrated biochemistry to help get more out of applied P&K fertilizers by increasing nutrient availability and enhancing plant health to optimize yield potential (Loveland products).
Research studies had been conducted in Saskatchewan to investigate the performance of fertilizer catalysts that can promote early crop emergence and root growth. At the Glacier FarmMedia Discovery Farm, a field-scale trial was initiated to investigate the performance of two commercially available biochemical fertilizer catalyst products (Atlas XC and Atlas + radiate) in wheat fertility trial in 2019. Atlas XC application did not have a positive impact on wheat emergence, but had positive impact on crop yield in the midst of challenging growing conditions. Higher yields were recorded for both the Atlas (57 bu /ac) and Atlas and Radiate (54 bu /ac) treatments compared to the control (53 bu /ac). An economic analysis revealed its application resulted in the highest margin increase of all the products tested. Though this study had a drawback that it was conducted at one site and for one year, and no statistical analysis on data collected was done, there seems a potential to implement on farms. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate these products in the Interlake region.