Chicory-Cereals Intercrop (Year 1)
PCDF; Elisabeth Nernberg, ARD
To evaluate intercropping potential for cereals and chicory.
For the results of the 2020 pilot year (chicory seeded to wheat at rates of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 lb/ac), see the online report, Intercropping: Wheat-Chicory (Pilot Year). The results for the pilot year suggest that the lower seeding rates for chicory (0.5-2 lb/ac) provide unsatisfactory results for establishing a chicory crop, based on the number of plants observed per plot. Consequently, the trial was redesigned.
Chicory is a short-lived, broadleaf perennial that has gained the attention of livestock producers for its high production potential, excellent nutritional qualities, and deep taproot. The crop may be seeded alone or as part of a chicory-grass or chicory-legume mixture. For a good summary of chicory cultivation see this agronomy factsheet, prepared by Penn State University. Figure 1 shows second-year chicory plants at PCDF. (Note that the taproot is broken off.)