Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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University of Saskatchewan Fababean A&B Variety Evaluations (2021)

Crop Types: Fababeans

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate coloured and white fababean entries for the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan

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University of Saskatchewan Oat Yield Variety Trial (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat entries for the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan.

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University of Saskatchewan Standard Oat Yield Trial (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat entries for the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan.

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Value of Seed Treatments (2019)

Crop Types: Canola, Soybean, Wheat

Centre(s): CMCDC

To discuss the benefits of seed treatment on 1- Canola 2- Soybean 3- Wheat

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Variation in Soybean seed quality parameters: The Manitoba Advantage (2016)

Crop Types: Soybean

Centre(s): PESAI

While Manitoba now grows primarily industrial soybean for crushing and meal, in the future farmers may want to take advantage of the lucrative food-type export market valued at nearly one billion dollars annually. Canadian food-type soybean for export are usually from non-GM varieties. Seeds that are bright yellow in colour, large and round are preferred. When seeds are dark in colour or stained they are not purchased at a premium price. Seed protein concentration should be at least 42 % while there are not criteria yet for oil concentration and the oil quality profile. Minerals such as iron and cadmium may also influence buyer preference. Seed components that can be considered beneficial for human health, such as isoflavones, lutein, and tocopherols, may receive a premium in the near future. The objective of the project was to characterize the quality of food-type soybean grown in Manitoba to determine the potential to develop a food-type soybean export market in Manitoba. Seed quality characteristics were compared to the same varieties grown in Ottawa, an active food-type soybean producer. These results may show that there are specific qualities of Manitoba-grown soybean that will promote the Manitoba food-type soybean export market. They may also help plant breeders to improve characteristics that may be lacking from Manitoba varieties.

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Variation in Soybean seed quality parameters: The Manitoba Advantage (2016)

Crop Types: Soybean

Centre(s): PESAI

While Manitoba now grows primarily industrial soybean for crushing and meal, in the future farmers may want to take advantage of the lucrative food-type export market valued at nearly one billion dollars annually. Canadian food-type soybean for export are usually from non-GM varieties. Seeds that are bright yellow in colour, large and round are preferred. When seeds are dark in colour or stained they are not purchased at a premium price. Seed protein concentration should be at least 42 % while there are not criteria yet for oil concentration and the oil quality profile. Minerals such as iron and cadmium may also influence buyer preference. Seed components that can be considered beneficial for human health, such as isoflavones, lutein, and tocopherols, may receive a premium in the near future. The objective of the project was to characterize the quality of food-type soybean grown in Manitoba to determine the potential to develop a food-type soybean export market in Manitoba. Seed quality characteristics were compared to the same varieties grown in Ottawa, an active food-type soybean producer. These results may show that there are specific qualities of Manitoba-grown soybean that will promote the Manitoba food-type soybean export market. They may also help plant breeders to improve characteristics that may be lacking from Manitoba varieties.  

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Weather Data 2018 – Arborg & Beausejour areas (2018)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PESAI

Seasonal weather summary at Arborg and Beasejour 2018.

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Western 6-Row Barley Cooperative Variety Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate different lines of six-row barley for malting and feed

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Western 6-Row Barley Cooperative Variety Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate different lines of six-row barley for malting and feed

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Western Canada Forage Barley Coop Line Evaluation (2017)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate different forage barley lines for grain quality characteristics for the purpose of evaluation and recommendation of lines for registration

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