Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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The Effect of Grazing and Non-grazing of Annual Green Manures on Following Crops – Establishment Year (2019)

Crop Types: Alfalfa, Brome, Clover, Vetch

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of an annual green manure crop for grazing by livestock and to provide fertility for the following crop (2019); and to evaluate the performance of three annual field crops after a green manure crop, with and without grazing (2020).

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The Effect of Grazing and Non-grazing of Annual Green Manures on Following Crops – Establishment Year (2019-2020)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of an annual green manure crop for grazing by livestock and to provide fertility for the following crop (2019); and to evaluate the performance of three annual field crops after a green manure crop, with and without grazing (2020).

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The Effect of Seeding Date on Three Varieties of Industrial Hemp in Manitoba (2017)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To understand the effect of seeding date by variety on industrial hemp grain yields.

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The Effect of Seeding Date on Three Varieties of Industrial Hemp in Manitoba (2017-2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): CMCDC

To understand the effect of seeding date by variety on industrial hemp grain yields.

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The Effect of Seeding Date on Three Varieties of Industrial Hemp in Manitoba (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): CMCDC

To understand the effect of seeding date by variety on industrial hemp grain yields.

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The Effect of Seeding Rate on Industrial Hemp Fiber Yield and Mortality in Manitoba (2017)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To understand the effect of seeding rate on plant/seed mortality and final fibre yield of industrial hemp.

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The Effect of Split Nitrogen Application Rate on Three Varieties of Industrial Hemp in Manitoba (2017)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): CMCDC, PCDF, WADO

To understand the effect of split verses banding nitrogen fertilizer to optimize industrial hemp grain yields.

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The Effect of Split Nitrogen Application Rate on Three Varieties of Industrial Hemp in Manitoba (2017)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To understand the effect of split verses banding nitrogen fertilizer to optimize industrial hemp grain yields.

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University of Manitoba FHB Risk Model – Barley, Durum, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Barley, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To increase understanding of resulting Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection for spring and winter wheat, barley and durum based on the current model.

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University of Manitoba FHB Risk Model – Barley, Durum, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Barley, Durum, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To increase understanding of resulting Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection for spring and winter wheat, barley and durum based on the current model

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