Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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Western Organic Oats Participatory Plant Breeding (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat varieties for organic production.

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What You need to Know About Managing Your High Yielding Spring Wheat (2019)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): CMCDC

To demonstrate the effect of fertility timing, fertility rates, and Plant Growth Regulators on protein contents and yield of wheat

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What’s New in Weed Technology (2019)

Crop Types: Canola, Soybean, Wheat

Centre(s): CMCDC

How to use WEEDit for 1- Spot Spray 2- Dual Spray 3- Full Coverage

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Wheat Nitrogen Ramp (2018-2023)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To assess the economic and agronomic impact of a 6-year rotation, using integrated management practices.

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Wheat Nitrogen Ramp – (Year 2 of a 6-Year Crop Rotation) (2018-2023)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To assess the economic and agronomic impact of a 6-year rotation, using integrated management practices

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Wheat-Cover Crop (2019)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of cover cropping strategies

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Wheat-Phacelia Intercrop (2020-2021)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate intercropping potential for wheat and phacelia.

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Winter Wheat-Soybean Intercrop (2019)

Crop Types: Soybean, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): WADO

1. To evaluate agronomic performance of relay soybean in winter wheat 2. To determine if different nitrogen management systems (100% in fall vs 50% in fall and 50% in spring) affect soybean nodule development

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Yellow Mustard (Sinapis alba) Variety Trial (2018-2023)

Crop Types: Mustard

Centre(s): WADO

Evaluate agronomic performance and adaptation of yellow mustard (Sinapis alba) varieties on the Canadian Prairies

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Yellow Pea Response to Preceding Crop, Residue Management, and P Fertilizer Placement (Establishment Year) (2020)

Crop Types: Peas

Centre(s): PCDF

Determine the effect of preceding crop, residue management and P fertility strategy, and their interactions, on pea establishment, weed community, disease incidence, yield and seed quality.

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