Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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National Industrial Hemp Fibre and Grain Variety Evaluation (2019)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate industrial hemp varieties for grain, fibre and cannabinoid content for the National Industrial Hemp Variety Evaluation Trial

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Oat Cover Crop (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of cover cropping strategies

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Oat Cover Crop (2019)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of cover cropping strategies

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Oat-Cover Crop (Year 1 and 2) (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate intercropping potential for oat and cover crops.

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Oat-Hairy Vetch Intercropping Demonstration (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of intercropping for grain, forage and soil nutrient management

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Oat-Hairy Vetch Intercropping Demonstration (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of intercropping for grain, forage and soil nutrient management

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Oat-Hairy Vetch Intercropping Demonstration (2018-2019) and Seeding Rate Evaluation (2019) (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Oats, Vetch

Centre(s): PCDF

To demonstrate the use of intercropping for grain, forage and soil nutrient management

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Organic Oats Participatory Plant Breeding (2020)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat varieties for organic production.

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Organic Oats Variety Evaluation (2017)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat varieties for organic production.

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Organic Oats Variety Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat varieties for organic production.

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