Trial Report Summary

Oat-Hairy Vetch Intercropping Demonstration

Crop Type(s):

Parkland Crop Diversification Foundation


To demonstrate the use of intercropping for grain, forage and soil nutrient management

Project Findings:

Establishment of both the oats and the hairy vetch were successful.  The land was in summer fallow (2016) and a pea-oat cover crop (2017).  As such the land was extremely fertile.  Lodging in the oats was completely absent as the hairy vetch provided a support.  Harvest was very smooth, and the vetch passed through the combine without wrapping.  Year two of this trial will involve a biomass sample taken at flowering, evaluating re-establishment and yield for a cereal crop sown into the vetch, and harvesting vetch seed at maturity.


Cover cropping as a part soil management is of growing interest to many Manitoba farmers.  Cover crops perform a number of significant functions for the soil, including but not limited to: controlling soil erosion after harvest of the cash crop; increasing soil nutrients; and improving water infiltration.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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