Trial Reports (by Crop Type)
Next ›2017 PESAI Annual Report (2017)
Crop Types: Barley, Canola, Cereals, Corn, Flax, Hemp, Oats, Quinoa, Rye, Soybean, Sunflower, Wheat, Winter Wheat
Centre(s): PESAI
Cover Crops 101 (2019)
Crop Types: Oats, Peas
Centre(s): CMCDC
1. What do you want to accomplish with a cover crop?
2. How will you plant it and when?
3. What will follow the cover crop in your rotation?
4. Which cover crop will you plant?
5. How will you terminate your cover crop?
Determining Optimum Target Plant Stands for Oats in Manitoba (2017-2018)
Crop Types: Oats
To determine if optimum seeding rates differ by crop type and for individual varieties and to assist producers with the annual question of what target plant stands and seeding rates to aim for regarding newer spring cereal varieties. This project was conducted at four Manitoba Agriculture diversification centres in Manitoba including at Carberry, Arborg, Roblin and Melita.
Determining Optimum Target Plant Stands for Oats in Manitoba (2018)
Crop Types: Oats
Centre(s): CMCDC
To determine if optimum seeding rates differ by crop type and for individual varieties and to assist producers with the annual question of what target plant stands and seeding rates to aim for regarding newer spring cereal varieties. This project was conducted at four Manitoba Agriculture diversification centres in Manitoba including at Carberry, Arborg, Roblin and Melita.
Determining Optimum Target Plant Stands for Spring Cereal Crops in Manitoba (2017-2018)
Crop Types: Barley, Oats, Wheat
Centre(s): PCDF
To determine optimum plant populations for spring wheat, oat, and barley, and will determine if optimum plant population differs for individual cultivars.
Determining Optimum Target Plant Stands for Spring Cereal Crops in Manitoba (2017-2018)
Crop Types: Barley, Oats, Wheat
1) Determine if target plant stand recommendations should be adjusted for spring wheat, oat, and barley
2) Determine if optimum plant stands differ for individual varieties
3) Assist producers with determining target plant stand and seeding rate for newer spring cereal varieties
Determining Optimum Target Plant Stands for Spring Cereal Crops in Manitoba (2019-2021)
Crop Types: Barley, Cereals, Oats, Wheat
Centre(s): PCDF
1) Determine if target plant stand recommendations should be adjusted for spring wheat, oat, and barley
2) Determine if optimum plant stands differ for individual varieties
3) Assist producers with determining target plant stand and seeding rate for newer spring cereal varieties
Effect of spring cereal seeding rate on its yield potential (2021)
Crop Types: Barley, Cereals, Oats, Wheat
Centre(s): PESAI
- Determine if target plant stand recommendations should be adjusted for spring wheat, oats, and barley.
- Determine if optimum plant stands differ for individual varieties.
- Assist producers with determining target plant stand and seeding rate for newer spring cereal varieties.
How Deep are your Roots (2019)
Crop Types: Canola, Corn, Hemp, Oats, Soybean, Sunflower
Centre(s): CMCDC
To demonstrate the crop rooting depths of
1- Soybean
2- Corn
3- Canola
4- Oats
5- Hemp
6- Sunflowers
Intercropping: Oat-Cover Crop (Year 1) (2020)
Crop Types: Oats
Centre(s): PCDF
To evaluate intercropping potential for oat and cover crops.