Trial Report Summary

Determining Optimum Target Plant Stands for Spring Cereal Crops in Manitoba

Crop Type(s):
Barley, Oats, Wheat

Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development


1) Determine if target plant stand recommendations should be adjusted for spring wheat, oat, and barley

2) Determine if optimum plant stands differ for individual varieties

3) Assist producers with determining target plant stand and seeding rate for newer spring cereal varieties

Project Findings:

Please see the report below.


Yield of spring cereals is impacted by many agronomic practices, but starts with variety selection, seeding date, target plant stand, and the seeding rate needed to achieve those plant stands.  Optimum plant population is determined by factors including crop management practices and growing conditions.  Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development currently recommends target plant stands of 23-28 plants/ft2 for spring wheat, 18-23 plants/ft2 for oat, and 22-25 plants/ft2 for barley.  With the introduction of semi-dwarf and higher yielding cultivars, target plant stands may need to be adjusted to maximize profitability.  Pervious research has shown that optimum plant populations can differ by both crop type and variety.  In a North Dakota study, Mehring et al. (2016) found that optimum seeding rates for spring wheat ranged from 14 to 46 plants/ft2 depending on the characteristics of the variety.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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