Projects (by Title)

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Intermediate Wheatgrass Evaluation (Year 2) (2022)

Crop Types: Forages

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate intermediate wheatgrass for grain and forage potential

Linseed Coop Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Oilseeds

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate lined varieties

Linseed-Flax (2022)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

To evaluate the performance of new and existing flax lines

Malt Barley Variety Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): CMCDC, WADO

Evaluation of new and existing malt barley varieties in regards to yield & quality potential

Manitoba Corn Committee Variety Evaluation Testing Trial (2022)

Crop Types: Corn

Centre(s): CMCDC

Evaluation of hybrids adapted to Carberry region for Seed Manitoba Guide.

MCC corn hybrid evaluation trial (seed guide) (2022)

Crop Types: Corn

Centre(s): WADO

Evaluation of hybrids adapted to Westman region.

MCVET Annual Forage Test (2022)

Crop Types: Forages


To evaluate annual forage varieties for forage yield and quality, update Seed MB tables.

MCVET Annual forages (2022)

Crop Types: Forages

Centre(s): PESAI

To evaluate different annual forage crops in Interlake

MCVET Barley Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals, Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate wheat varieties

MCVET Barley Variety Trial (2022)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): PESAI

To evaluate the adaptation and performance of new and existing barley varieties in regards to yield & quality (Arb site)
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