Trial Report Summary

Linseed Coop Evaluation

Crop Type(s):

CDC Saskatchewan, Dr. Helen Booker (flax breeder)


Flax variety testing of newly registered cultivars (SVPG entries) and experimental lines (FP entries) from the University of Saskatchewan, Crop Development Centre Flax Breeding Program as compared to relevant reference cultivars.

Project Findings:

Flax yield data presented are for zone 1 and 3, which are characterized by Black and Grey soils in Western Canada. Zone 1 is considered to have a longer growing season compared to zone 3. Locations in zone 1 included; Melita (MB), Redvers (SK) and Indian head (SK) while zone 3 included; Arborg (MB), Roblin (MB), Vegreville (AB), Melfort (SK) and Codette (SK). Flax seed yield data (Table 10.0) from Melita showed that FP entries yielded more seed compared to checks and SVPG varieties. The highest ranked (1st) variety (FP2594) yielded 3030 kg ha-1 while the lowest ranked (20th) check (AAC Bright) yielded 2560 kg ha-1 in 2019. Overall, seed yield was not much variable as indicated by the low coefficient of variation of 4.4%. Some varieties did not differ in seed yield, for example, CDC Dorado, ND Hammond and FP2589 ranked 13th with 2720 kg ha-1. Check variety CDC Bethune was ranked 11th, similar to SVPG entry AAC Marvelous with 2700.7 kg ha-1. First year entries, FP2590 and FP2593 were both ranked 3rd and yielded 2930 kg ha-1. Similar to Melita results, FP entries were ranked higher compared to SVPG entries and some check varieties at Roblin. Mean seed yield was 520 kg ha-1 lower at Roblin compared to Melita and this could be attributed to differences season length between the two sites. Ranking flax varieties based on seed yield is necessary in selecting varieties that are suitable for production in a given environment. It also aides both breeders in deciding the varieties to consider registering for commercial production of continued breeding.


Canada is the world’s number 1 producer of flax and its production in North America dates back to the 1800s. Primarily, flax is produced for its fibre or oil, but in Canada, most farmers grow seed flax for oil extraction. Consumption of flax seed by humans has largely increased due to its health benefits of omega 3 oils, high fibre content and presence of anti-carcinogenic compounds known as lignans (Flax Council of Canada, 2015; You et al., 2016). Canadian Flax varieties are mainly developed for improvement of their oil content and quality. Objectives differ among flax breeding programs but most target to optimize seed yield while maintaining oil content greater than 45%, alpha linoleic acid content greater than 50%, disease resistance, early maturity and resistance to lodging (Hall et al., 2016). Development of flax varieties is a
continuing process that makes use of germplasm created by the collaborative efforts of flax breeders and researcher over many years (You et al., 2016). Canadian flax breeding started in the early 1900s, and flax varieties have been released since 1910. Continued development and release of new varieties under varying weather conditions would help expand variety choices by flax farmers as well as increase availability of food, feed and fibre to the ever increasing global population.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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