Projects (by Title)

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Wheat-Crop Intercrop Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate potential for establishing cover crops with wheat

Wheat-Lupin Intercrop Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Pulses

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate intercrop potential for wheat and lupin

Wheat-Phacelia Intercrop Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate impact of wheat-phaceilia intercrop on wheat yield by phacelia seeding rate

Wheat-Phacelia Intercrop Evaluation (field scale) (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate potential for intercropping phacelia and wheat to reduce wheat midge damage

Winter Wheat Variety Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals, Winter Wheat


To evaluate the adaptation and performance of new and existing winter wheat varieties in regards to yield & quality potential.

Winter Wheat Variety Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Winter Wheat

Centre(s): WADO

To evaluate the adaptation and performance of new and existing winter wheat's in regards to yield & quality potential
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