Projects (by Title)

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Teff Seeding Rate and Forage trial (2022)

Crop Types: Forages

Centre(s): WADO

Evaluate teff grass for forage potential by seeding rate and timing of cut

Teff Test for Feed Quality (2022)

Crop Types: Forages

Centre(s): CMCDC

To establish teff yield potential and determine the feed quality.

Tile Drainage project (2022)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PESAI

To assess the effect of different tile spacings on wheat, canola and soybean production

Tracking Nitrogen Dynamics within the Potato Root-Zone (2022)

Crop Types: Potato

Centre(s): CMCDC

Examine the effects of different nitrogen application rates on nitrogen dynamics within the potato root-zone in a loamy sand soil, and to analyze the nitrate leaching potential below the root-zone.

Ultra early Seeded winter crop adaptation assessment (2022)

Crop Types: Winter Wheat

Centre(s): WADO

Seed winter wheat, winter barley, winter oats, winter peas, winter lentils at first chance in spring to mimic vernalization process, and assess performance

VHT Oat Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals, Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate oat varieties

Western Coop hulls barley trial (2022)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): WADO

To evaluate varieties of hulless barley for post-registration performance

Western Manitoba Soybean Variety Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Soybean

Centre(s): WADO

To evaluate the performance of new and existing Soybeans

Wheat - Phacelia Project (2022)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PESAI

To assess phacelia for managing wheat midge and aphids

Wheat-Cover Crop Intercrop Evaluation (field scale) (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate potential to establish
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