Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre

The Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre (MCDC) was established between the Government of Canada, the Government of Manitoba, and Manitoba Horticulture Productivity Enhancement Centre Inc. (MHPEC) in 1993. The Centre’s mission, in brief, is to facilitate the development and adoption of science-based solutions for agricultural crop production. This is accomplished through the design, development and adaptation of best management practices with a focus on water management, crop diversification and environmental stewardship. Its strategic areas include sustainable irrigation, sustainable potato production, improving the environmental sustainability of intensive crop production, and crop diversification. MCDC’s activities include testing and demonstrating current irrigation technologies and crop performance field tests with and without irrigation; extreme moisture and drought management; forages and crop-livestock systems; and cover crops and regenerative agriculture projects.

Le Canada-Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre (CMCDC) a été établi entre les gouvernements du Canada et du Manitoba, et le Manitoba Horticulture Productivity Enhancement Centre. La mission du Centre est de faciliter le développement et l’adoption de solutions scientifiques pour la production de cultures. Ceci se fait par l’application de meilleures pratiques de gestion, avec un focus sur la gestion des eaux, la diversification de cultures, et la gérance de facteurs qui influencent l’environnement. Domaines stratégiques incluent l’irrigation durable, la production durable de pommes de terre, l’augmentation de la durabilité environnementale de production intensive de cultures, et la diversification des cultures. Les activités du CMCDC incluent l’évaluation et la démonstration de technologies d’irrigation de pointe, les essais de production de cultures traités avec et sans irrigation, la gestion des conditions d’humidité extrême et de la sécheresse, les plantes fourragères et les systèmes de culture et d’élevage, les cultures de couverture et l’agriculture régénératrice.

Annual French Summary

2020 Résumé français

Annual Reports

2023 Annual Research Report

2023 Annual Extension Report

For more information on Manitoba Potato Research, please visit:


Haider Abbas
Applied Research Specialist
Manitoba Agriculture


Faryal Yousaf
Applied Research Technician


Board of Directors

Dan Sawatzky (Chair) Winnipeg
Susan Ainsworth (In-coming Chair) Chatter
Bart Witherspoon (Vice Chair) Carberry
Scott Graham Winnipeg
Chad Berry Glenboro
Sheldon Wiebe MacGregor
Travis Waterhouse Carberry
Brock McIntosh Carberry

More from the Canada Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre

Featured Projects

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Fusarium Head Blight Mitigation

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Upcoming Events

Annual Field Days 2024

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WADO Annual Field Day 2024

July 25, 2024, Crops and Livestock Producers

PESAI Annual Field Day 2024

July 31, 2024, Crops and Livestock Producers

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