Trial Reports (by Year)

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SVPG Oat Variety Evaluation (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat varieties for the Saskatchewan Variety Performance Group.

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SVPG Wheat Variety Evaluation 1 (CWRS) and Evaluation 2 (HY) (2021)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

Two tests to evaluate spring wheat varieties for the Saskatchewan Variety Performance Group.

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Teff Forage Evaluation (2021)

Crop Types: Forages

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate teff by seeding rates for forage production potential.

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University of Saskatchewan Fababean A&B Variety Evaluations (2021)

Crop Types: Fababeans

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate coloured and white fababean entries for the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan

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University of Saskatchewan Oat Yield Variety Trial (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat entries for the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan.

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University of Saskatchewan Standard Oat Yield Trial (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat entries for the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan.

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Western Organic Oats Participatory Plant Breeding (2021)

Crop Types: Oats

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate oat varieties for organic production.

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Agriculture Agri-Food Canada Corn Nursery (2020)

Crop Types: Corn

Centre(s): PCDF

To develop and release early maturing cold tolerant corn inbreds with emphasis on the 1800-2000 CHU market.

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Agriculture Agri-Food Canada Corn Variety Evaluation (2020)

Crop Types: Corn

Centre(s): PCDF

To develop and release early maturing cold tolerant corn inbreds with emphasis on the 1800-2000 CHU market.

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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Conventional Soy Protein Variety Evaluation (2020)

Crop Types: Soybean

Centre(s): PCDF

Examine 20 varieties of conventional soybean to determine protein differences between eastern and western Canada sites

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