Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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FHB Risk Model University of Manitoba – Barley, Durum, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat (2019-2021)

Crop Types: Barley, Cereals, Durum, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To increase understanding of resulting Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection for spring and winter wheat, barley and durum based on the current model.

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Flax Council of Canada Agronomy Evaluation (2016)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

There is a sizeable gap between the yield potential of flax and the average yields observed in the Prairies. Whereas the 10-year average yield for Manitoba is 21 bu/acre (Yield Manitoba 2016), Flax Council of Canada (FCC) has set up an ambitious goal to raise yield levels up to 32 bu/acre by 2025. In order to achieve higher yields on a commercial scale, best management practices (BMPs) are required. FCC planned four flax research trials to develop BMPs for the following elements: A) Seed treatment and fertilizer rates; B) Seeding date, rate and row spacing; C) Herbicides and fungicide use; and D) Crop stubble and flax production interaction.  

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Flax Council of Canada Agronomy Trials (2016)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

There is a sizeable gap between the yield potential of flax and the average yields observed in the Prairies. Whereas the 10-year average yield for Manitoba is 21 bu/acre (Yield Manitoba 2016), Flax Council of Canada (FCC) has set up an ambitious goal to raise yield levels up to 32 bu/acre by 2025. In order to achieve higher yields on a commercial scale, best management practices (BMPs) are required. FCC planned four flax research trials to develop BMPs for the following elements: A) Seed treatment and fertilizer rates; B) Seeding date, rate and row spacing; C) Herbicides and fungicide use; and D) Crop stubble and flax production interaction.

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Flax Herbicide Evaluation (2020)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PCDF

To compare the efficacy of Authority (standard treatment) to Armezon (experimental treatment) for crop and weed efficacy, and to observe any safety concerns with herbicide combinations.

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Flooding Effects on Canola Growth and Yield (2019-2021)

Crop Types: Canola

Centre(s): PESAI

Canola plots were flooded at the early and late crop stages to assess the effects of flooding on crop growth and yield. Plots were also grown under non-flooding conditions for comparisons.

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Flooding Effects on Canola Growth and Yield (2019-2021)

Crop Types: Canola

Centre(s): PESAI

Canola plots were flooded at the early and late crop stages to assess the effects of flooding on crop growth and yield. Plots were also grown under non-flooding conditions for comparisons

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Flooding effects on canola growth and yield (2021)

Crop Types: Canola, Oilseeds

Centre(s): PESAI

  1. To quantify the tolerance and recovery of current cultivars of canola to excess moisture stress, with the intention of identifying a cultivar that has improved tolerance.
  2. To find out how timing of excess moisture stress affects yield.

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Flooding Effects on Different Canola Varieties in the Interlake (2019)

Crop Types: Canola

Centre(s): PESAI

This study was planned to determine how different canola varieties perform under excess moisture conditions. Six commercially grown canola varieties (RR and liberty link traits) were evaluated, and were flooded throughout the growing season. These varieties were also grown under ideal conditions (on tile drainage land) for comparisons.

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Flooding Effects on Different Canola Varieties in the Interlake (2019)

Crop Types: Canola

Centre(s): PESAI

This study was planned to determine how different canola varieties perform under excess moisture conditions. Six commercially grown canola varieties (RR and liberty link traits) were evaluated, and were flooded throughout the growing season. These varieties were also grown under ideal conditions (on tile drainage land) for comparisons.

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Flooding Effects on Wheat Growth and Yield (2019-2021)

Crop Types: Wheat

Centre(s): PESAI

Wheat plots were flooded at the early and late crop stages to assess the effects of flooding on crop growth and yield. Plots were also grown under non-flooding conditions for comparisons.

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