Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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Evaluating different quinoa varieties under Interlake conditions (2018)

Crop Types: Quinoa

Centre(s): PESAI

Assessing different varieties of Quinoa for production.

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Evaluating Flax linseed lines from Saskatchewan (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

The purpose of this trial was to assess newly registered flax cultivars (SVPG entries) and experimental lines (FP entries) from the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) and Crop Development Centre (CDC) Flax Breeding Program in comparison to relevant reference flax cultivars under Manitoban conditions.

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Evaluating Hemp grain and fiber varieties for yield (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PESAI

Assessing different hemp varieties for grain / fiber yield potential.

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Evaluating Hemp grain and fiber varieties for yield (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PESAI

Assessing different hemp varieties for grain / fiber yield potential.

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Evaluating Hemp Grain and Fiber Varieties in the Interlake (2019)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PESAI

Assessing different hemp varieties for grain / fiber yield potential in the Interlake.

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Evaluating Hemp Grain and Fiber Varieties in the Interlake (2019)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PESAI

Assessing different hemp varieties for grain / fiber yield potential in the Interlake.

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Evaluating Herbicide Efficacy in Flax (2020-2021)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

The purpose of this project is – 1) To compare efficacy of standard herbicide (Authority) treatments to experimental herbicide (Armezon) treatments in controlling weeds in flax. 2) To determine any safety concerns from the use of herbicide combinations.

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Evaluating Organic Acids in Canola-Soybean crop rotation (2019-2021)

Crop Types: Canola, Soybean

Centre(s): PESAI

To determine if organic acid products (MX-3, VX-8) have any effect on crop productivity in Canola-Soybeans crop rotation. This was the second year of evaluation and these products were applied to soybean crop.

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Evaluating Organic Acids in Canola-Soybeans Crop Rotation (2019-2021)

Crop Types: Canola

Centre(s): PESAI

The current project is planned to determine if efficacy of post emergence herbicides and crop fertilizers can be enhanced when used in conjunction with organic acid products. This project is evaluating the effects of organic acid products (MX-3, VX-8) on Canola-Soybeans crop rotation.

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Evaluating short season, cold and disease tolerant corn inbreds in Interlake region (2018-2022)

Crop Types: Corn

Centre(s): PESAI

Development and release of early maturing cold tolerant corn inbreds with emphasis on the 1800-2000 CHU market.

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