Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

Winter Wheat

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MCVET Variety Evaluations (2019)

Crop Types: Barley, Corn, Dry Beans, Lentils, Oats, Peas, Rye, Soybean, Sunflower, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): WADO

The purpose the MCVET variety evaluations is to grow of both familiar (checks or reference) and new varieties side by side in a replicated manner in order to compare and contrast various variety characteristics such as yield, maturity, protein content, disease tolerance and many others.

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PESAI Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Trials (MCVET Trials) (2019)

Crop Types: Barley, Canola, Flax, Oats, Rye, Soybean, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PESAI

PESAI is one of the many contractors that are part of the MCVET program, which facilitates variety evaluations of many different crop types in this province. PESAI managed two MCVET sites (Arborg and Beausejour) during 2019 growing season. The purpose of the MCVET variety evaluation trials are to grow both familiar (check varieties) and new varieties side by side in a replicated manner in order to compare and contrast various variety characteristics such as yield, maturity, protein content, disease tolerance, and many others.

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University of Manitoba FHB Risk Model – Barley, Durum, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Barley, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To increase understanding of resulting Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection for spring and winter wheat, barley and durum based on the current model.

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University of Manitoba FHB Risk Model – Barley, Durum, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Barley, Durum, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PCDF

To increase understanding of resulting Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection for spring and winter wheat, barley and durum based on the current model

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Winter Wheat-Soybean Intercrop (2019)

Crop Types: Soybean, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): WADO

1. To evaluate agronomic performance of relay soybean in winter wheat 2. To determine if different nitrogen management systems (100% in fall vs 50% in fall and 50% in spring) affect soybean nodule development

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