Trial Reports (by Crop Type)


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National Hemp Variety Field Trial (2021)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate industrial hemp varieties for the National Hemp Variety Field Trials coordinated by the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance.

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National Hemp Variety Field Trials (2020)

Crop Types: Hemp


To evaluate industrial hemp varieties for the National Hemp Variety Field Trials coordinated by the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance.

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National Industrial Hemp Fibre and Grain Variety Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): CMCDC

To evaluate hemp grain and fibre varieties for the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance

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National Industrial Hemp Fibre and Grain Variety Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): CMCDC

To evaluate hemp grain and fibre varieties for the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance

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National Industrial Hemp Fibre and Grain Variety Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate hemp grain and fibre varieties for the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance

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National Industrial Hemp Fibre and Grain Variety Evaluation (2019)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate industrial hemp varieties for grain, fibre and cannabinoid content for the National Industrial Hemp Variety Evaluation Trial

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Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Plant Growth Regulator Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate wheat varieties for the Parkland Coop

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Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Plant Growth Regulator Evaluation (2018)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate wheat varieties for the Parkland Coop

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Relay crop/intercrop legumes in Hemp Grain Production (2017-2019)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): WADO

To assess the effects of legumes and other intercrops with hemp on hemp grain production and determine legume regrowth parameters.

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The Effect of Seeding Date on Three Varieties of Industrial Hemp in Manitoba (2017)

Crop Types: Hemp

Centre(s): PCDF

To understand the effect of seeding date by variety on industrial hemp grain yields.

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