Trial Reports (by Crop Type)


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Determining agronomic suitability of European flax (linseed) cultivars in Manitoba (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): WADO

The current study was developed to examine agronomic attributes (yield, height and maturity) of European-origin flaxseed cultivars and to see if they have a competitive advantage and agroclimatic fit within Manitoba flax production areas.

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Determining excess moisture effects on different flax varieties (2016)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

Over the growing season, flax water use may be as high as 41 cm (16 in.). During the seedling stage, water use will range from 1 to 3 mm/day, rising to a high of 7 mm/day during the flowering stage. The critical water requirement period for flax is from flowering to just prior to seed ripening (Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission). However, excess water at early crop stages might affect flax adversely. Chlorosis can occur on flax when soil moisture is high, particularly on calcareous (high lime) soils and it can significantly affect flax productivity. The flax variety AC Emerson has shown the greatest tolerance to chlorosis conditions (Manitoba Agriculture). Flax reaction to excess moisture varies considerably depending on crop stage and soil type. A recent study from Manitoba shows that irrigation increased total average yield of flax, even when conditions of excess moisture were prevalent in 2016 (Cavers et al, 2017). The current study was undertaken to understand excess moisture effects on different flax varieties. Eight commonly grown flax varieties were planted in a replicated trial both under irrigated and non-irrigated set up to see if there is any irrigation-variety interaction towards flax productivity.

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Effect of applied urea and agrotain treated urea in soybean and flax intercrop (2017-2019)

Crop Types: Flax, Soybean

Centre(s): WADO

1. Determine yield obtained from soybean and flax intercropped in paired rows 2. Determine the precision spread of urea on soybean yield and nodulation with and without agrotain inhibitors 3. Determine the effects of fertilizer and crop type (interaction) in soybean-flax intercrop on yield and nodulation

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European Flax Germplasm Evaluation Project (2018)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PCDF

To examine the suitability of European flaxseed lines for the Manitoba agro-climate

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European Flax Germplasm Evaluation Project (2018)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PCDF

To examine the suitability of European flaxseed lines for the Manitoba agro-climate

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Evaluating Flax linseed lines from Saskatchewan (2018-2019)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

The purpose of this trial was to assess newly registered flax cultivars (SVPG entries) and experimental lines (FP entries) from the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) and Crop Development Centre (CDC) Flax Breeding Program in comparison to relevant reference flax cultivars under Manitoban conditions.

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Evaluating Herbicide Efficacy in Flax (2020-2021)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

The purpose of this project is – 1) To compare efficacy of standard herbicide (Authority) treatments to experimental herbicide (Armezon) treatments in controlling weeds in flax. 2) To determine any safety concerns from the use of herbicide combinations.

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Flax Council of Canada Agronomy Evaluation (2016)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

There is a sizeable gap between the yield potential of flax and the average yields observed in the Prairies. Whereas the 10-year average yield for Manitoba is 21 bu/acre (Yield Manitoba 2016), Flax Council of Canada (FCC) has set up an ambitious goal to raise yield levels up to 32 bu/acre by 2025. In order to achieve higher yields on a commercial scale, best management practices (BMPs) are required. FCC planned four flax research trials to develop BMPs for the following elements: A) Seed treatment and fertilizer rates; B) Seeding date, rate and row spacing; C) Herbicides and fungicide use; and D) Crop stubble and flax production interaction.  

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Flax Council of Canada Agronomy Trials (2016)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PESAI

There is a sizeable gap between the yield potential of flax and the average yields observed in the Prairies. Whereas the 10-year average yield for Manitoba is 21 bu/acre (Yield Manitoba 2016), Flax Council of Canada (FCC) has set up an ambitious goal to raise yield levels up to 32 bu/acre by 2025. In order to achieve higher yields on a commercial scale, best management practices (BMPs) are required. FCC planned four flax research trials to develop BMPs for the following elements: A) Seed treatment and fertilizer rates; B) Seeding date, rate and row spacing; C) Herbicides and fungicide use; and D) Crop stubble and flax production interaction.

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Flax Herbicide Evaluation (2020)

Crop Types: Flax

Centre(s): PCDF

To compare the efficacy of Authority (standard treatment) to Armezon (experimental treatment) for crop and weed efficacy, and to observe any safety concerns with herbicide combinations.

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