Trial Reports (by Crop Type)

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2016 Annual Report (2016)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PESAI

2016 Meteorological Information - Arborg (2016)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PESAI

2016 weather for the growing season in Arborg, Manitoba.

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2017 Meteorological Data - Roblin (2017)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PCDF

2017 meteorological data for Roblin, Manitoba.

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2017 Meteorological Information Arborg + Beausejour (2017)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PESAI

The weather report for the 2017 growing season in Arborg and Beausejour

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2017 PESAI Annual Report (2017)

Crop Types: Barley, Canola, Cereals, Corn, Flax, Hemp, Oats, Quinoa, Rye, Soybean, Sunflower, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Centre(s): PESAI

6-Row Barley Test (2017)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): PCDF

To evaluate different lines of six-row barley for malting and feed

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6-Year Rotation of Integrated Soil Management (2018)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): PCDF

To examine the potential benefits of a six-year crop rotation using herbicides and green manures for fertility management

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A Change in the Forecast (2019)

Crop Types:

Centre(s): CMCDC

1. To spray or not to spray? That is the question. 2. Ag weather network delivers a better way to watch the weather. 3. Microclimate data in near real-time.

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Advanced Forage Barley Line Evaluation (2017)

Crop Types: Barley

Centre(s): PCDF

To test the top barley forage lines from the barley breeding program at AAFC Brandon for grain yield and quality.

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Annual Field Days 2024

July 25 to August 8, 2024, Crops and Livestock Producers

WADO Annual Field Day 2024

July 25, 2024, Crops and Livestock Producers

PESAI Annual Field Day 2024

July 31, 2024, Crops and Livestock Producers

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