
Grain Drying Cost Calculator

Online Grain Drying Cost Calculator

Download Grain Drying Cost Calculator (Excel® Format)

Note: Based on batch or continuous flow dryers. This budget is only a guide and is not intended to be an in-depth study of grain drying. Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user. if you need help with a budget, contact your local Manitoba Agriculture office. No liability for decisions based on this publication is assumed.

Reseeding Decision Tool

Online Reseeding Decision Tool

Download Reseeding Decision Tool (Excel® Format)

Note: This decision tool contains general information only and does not form part of the AgriInsurance Contract between an insured and MASC. In all cases, the AgriInsurance Contract shall prevail. This decision tool is only a guide and is not intended to be an in-depth study of the cost of production of this industry. Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user. No liability for decisions based on this publication is assumed.

Farm Machinery Custom and Rental Rate Calculator

Online Farm Machinery Custom and Rental Rate Calculator

Download Farm Machinery Custom and Rental Rate Calculator (Excel® Format)

Note: This calculator has been established to provide approximate costs for renting equipment or obtaining custom-farming operations from another farmer. This calculator is not intended for establishing rates for individuals or companies that rent equipment or contract custom-farming operations as a business.

Seeding Rate Calculator

Online Seeding Rate Calculator

Download Seeding Rate Calculator (Excel® Format) 

Note: This resource is only a guide. Interpretation and use of this information is the responsibility of the user.

Crop Disease Breakeven Calculator

Online Crop Disease Breakeven Calculator

Download Crop Disease Breakeven Calculator (Excel® Format)

Note: This resource is only a guide. Interpretation and use of this information is the responsibility of the user.

Sclerotinia Treatment Decision Calculator

Online Sclerotinia Treatment Decision Calculator

Download Sclerotinia Treatment Decision Calculator (Excel® Format) 

Note: This resource is only a guide. Interpretation and use of this information is the responsibility of the user.

RentPlan Cropland Rental Rate Calculator

Online RentPlan Cropland Rental Rate Calculator

Download RentPlan Cropland Rental Rate Calculator (Excel® Format)

Note: Land rental rate analysis is part of long term strategic planning for your farm and caution should be exercised if short term crop yields and prices are utilized. It is generally recommended for land rental rate planning and analysis that a minimum of 3 to 5 average crop yields and commodity price outlook should be considered.


For more information, Contact a Farm Management Specialist 

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