Trial Report Summary

Yellow Pea Response to Preceding Crop, Residue Management, and P Fertilizer Placement

Crop Type(s):

Kristen MacMillan – Soybean and Pulse Agronomy and Cropping Systems Research Lab, University of Manitoba


Determine the effect of preceding crop, residue management and P fertility strategy, and their interactions, on pea establishment, weed community, disease incidence, yield, and seed quality.

Project Findings:

Please see the attached report.


In Manitoba, 38% of pea acres are grown on wheat stubble and 20% on canola stubble [Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) 2010-2015]. The yield impact of preceding crop on pea yield is not currently known despite some obvious agronomic concerns. Crop rotation data from MASC (2010-2015) points to some of these risks by showing that the relative yield of pea grown on wheat stubble is 103% compared to 96% for peas grown on canola stubble. Canola is a non-mycorrhizal crop and a host to Sclerotinia white mould. Peas are also susceptible to white mould and are a mycorrhizal crop, therefore, may be negatively affected by reduced AMF populations and increased sclerotinia risk following canola stubble. Starter P is commonly recommended in fields with low soil test levels. We aim to investigate if there is an interaction between field pea response to P fertilizer and preceding stubble type arising from the mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal crops. Little research has been conducted on P fertilizer strategy in field pea and strategies vary widely among farmers. In an informal Twitter poll in August 2019, the majority of farmers apply P fertilizer as starter in the seed row (44%) followed by side band or mid placement (26%), seed row plus side band or mid row (14%) and none (16%). According to the 2015 fertilizer use survey, only 45% of western Canadian farmers are applying P, primarily in the seed row (44%) and at an average rate of 19 lbs P205/ac. Yield response to 25 kg ha-1 of starter P has been documented, but no work is currently available on P fertilizer placement. Overall, there are fewer agronomic risks associated with seeding peas into wheat stubble. Peas are also tolerant to early seeding into cool soil and present an opportunity for reduced or rotational no-till systems in regions of Manitoba where tillage is common practice.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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