Trial Report Summary

PESAI Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Trials (MCVET Trials)

Crop Type(s):
Barley, Canola, Flax, Oats, Rye, Soybean, Wheat, Winter Wheat

Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team


PESAI is one of the many contractors that are part of the MCVET program, which facilitates variety evaluations of many different crop types in this province. PESAI managed two MCVET sites (Arborg and Beausejour) during 2019 growing season.

The purpose of the MCVET variety evaluation trials are to grow both familiar (check varieties) and new varieties side by side in a replicated manner in order to compare and contrast various variety characteristics such as yield, maturity, protein content, disease tolerance, and many others.

Project Findings:

Seed Manitoba guide and the websites and, provide valuable variety performance information for Manitoba farmers.

The Table 1 in the attached report outlines agronomy practices followed for these trials at both sites.



During 2019, PESAI did MCVET trials in Spring Wheat, Oats, Barley and Soybean (both Roundup Ready and Conventional) at both sites. Winter Wheat, Fall Rye, Peas, Silage Corn, Hemp, Canola and Flax variety evaluations were conducted only at the Arborg site (See Table 1).

From each MCVET site across the province, yearly data is collected, combined, and summarized in the ‘Seed Manitoba’ guide. Hard copies are available at most Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development and Ag Industry Offices.



Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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