Trial Report Summary

Partner Projects Agriculture Awareness School Tour


Gringo Hogs & Moonshadow Holsteins


Gringo Hogs and Moonshadow Holsteins are agricultural operations in the Eastman region of Manitoba. Since 2009, they have partnered with local schools, PESAI, Manitoba Pork and others to increase students’ agricultural knowledge through on-farm tours. Many children do not know where their food comes from. This project allows school aged children, parents and supervisors to have a first-hand experience on a Manitoba dairy farm.

Project Findings:

The tours were a wonderful success. Both groups had a great time and went back home with more knowledge and a better understanding of the farming. In order to assess the value of the tours, students were asked to fill a short questionnaire. Overall, the comments were positive.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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