Trial Report Summary

Multi-Crop Intercrop trial (Pea-Oat-Canola-Wheat-Flax-Mustard)

Crop Type(s):
Canola, Flax, Mustard, Oats, Peas, Wheat

Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Association – Daryl Domitruk PCDF (Roblin), WADO (Melita)


Evaluate agronomic performance of peas in a monocrop or when intercropped with oats, canola, spring wheat, flax or mustard.

Project Findings:

Please see the attached report.


Choice of an intercropping system depends on many factors including: weather, machinery available for seeding, harvesting and separation of seed, economics and compatibility of the crops involved. Many organic agriculture farmers have turned to various intercropping systems to address weed and disease pressure, which often inhibits organic systems under monoculture situations (Pridham and Entz, 2007). Intercropping systems can help address climate change in ways such as biological control of insect pests, weeds and diseases. Biological control allows for less use of synthetic chemicals hence addressing the chemical resistance issues. Another benefit of intercropping is improving soil health at low cost considering residual nitrogen if a legume is included. In other studies, pea-wheat intercropping systems have been shown to be efficient in the use of nitrogen due to their spatial self-regulating dynamics, which allows pea to improve its interspecific competitive ability in fields with lower soil nitrogen and vice versa for wheat (Andersen et al., 2004 and Ghaley et al., 2005). This enables future options to reduce synthetic nitrogen inputs and negative environmental impacts of crop production. Compared to pea sole crop, pea-oats intercrop results in reduced pea lodging because of the support provided by oats to the pea crop, this also helps reduce harvesting difficulties and increase economic returns (Kontturi et al., 2010). This study evaluated various intercrop combinations that can be utilized by producers.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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