Trial Report Summary

Manitoba Agriculture Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Risk Model

Crop Type(s):

Holly Derksen – Field Pathologist, Crop Industry Development
Anne Kirk – Cereal Specialist, Crop Industry Development
Rejean Picard and Earl Bargen – Farm Production Extension


To increase understanding of resulting Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection for wheat and barley based on the current model.

Project Findings:

Grain samples were sent away for Fusarium specific analysis, but no report for these results has yet been generated.  PCDF will post a link when this report is available.  Other collected data and yield results for the Carberry site are included below.


Farmers need improved decision-making tools in order to assess the local risk of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB). Better tools would improve judgement on whether or not to use fungicide and how to time application.  The project recognizes that the current model for predicting the presence of FHB is insufficient and is gathering data across the province for different treatment plans using known fusarium resistant or fusarium susceptible varieties.


Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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