Trial Report Summary

Determining agronomic suitability of European flax (linseed) cultivars in agro-Manitoba

Crop Type(s):

MFGA, PCDF, PESAI, WADO, BASF, Limagrain NL, van de Bilt zaden en vlas


The current study was developed to examine agronomic attributes (yield, height, maturity) of European-origin flaxseed cultivars if they had a competitive advantage and agro-climatic fit within Manitoba flax production areas.

Project Findings:

Dry, and drought-like conditions at the test sites contributed to lower overall yields in flax production, as evidenced by low commercial yield in the area according to MASC (Table 1). Short-stature flax was a result of continued moisture stress, along with overall thinner than ideal stands and the opportunity for weed competition. European flax lines were consistently shorter when compared to CDC Bethune, ranging from 6 to 10 centimetres shorter than check variety height at 53.7cm (Table 2). Overall days to maturity were +1 to -5 days from the check CDC Bethune (87 days) (Table 3). Correspondingly, flowering period in European flax varieties was +1 to -7 days in variance from the average 21 day flowering period of CDC Bethune (Table 4).

Table 1. Yield Comparisons in European Flaxseed Test at different diversification centres.



Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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