Trial Report Summary

Barley Water Stress Management Trial

Crop Type(s):

Ana Borrego-Benjumea, Brandon Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ana Badea, Brandon Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


The purpose of this project was to evaluate the tolerance and recovery of two-row barley cultivars to prolonged excess moisture environment, with the intention of identifying a barley variety with improved tolerance and recovery in waterlogging conditions. The response of yield to waterlogging under field conditions was evaluated at PESAI site in Arborg, MB in 2018 on a set of contrasting two-row barley cultivars to waterlogging stress.

Project Findings:

Despite of unexpected results, we can take some learning from 2018 (drier year) in order to improve the 2019 experiment. To do so, some steps are recommended to take, such as to modify the application of the treatment by increasing the amount of water and/or frequency of irrigation in order to induce considerable stress symptoms (around 70% leaf symptom yellowing) in the susceptible cultivars. Probably flooding plots continuously for few days will be a more realistic approach in a drier year.



Entire findings are available by downloading the report PDF.

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