Projects (by Title)

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DU Winter Wheat fertility trial (2022)

Crop Types: Special Crops

Centre(s): PESAI

To evaluate winter wheat varieties under different N fertility levels for production

Ducks Unlimited Winter Cereals Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals


Assess the impact on winter cereals germination and yield seeded in fall vs seeded in spring

Ducks Unlimited Winter Wheat Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Cereals

Centre(s): PCDF

Evaluate high-fertility management practices for winter wheat

Ducks Unlimited Winter Wheat Variety and Fertility Evaluation (2022)

Crop Types: Winter Wheat


1- To update the winter wheat fertility recommendations 2- To compare spring only to split application of nitrogen for yield, protein.

Early Peas on tiles (2022)

Crop Types: Peas

Centre(s): PESAI

To assess early planting of peas on tiles for yield

Effect of fertilizer management on agronomic and economic performance of Black Bean - Fertilizer P rate and placement (2022)

Crop Types: Dry Beans

Centre(s): CMCDC, WADO

Effect of fertilizer management on agronomic and economic performance of Black Bean - Fertilizer P rate and placement

Effect of fertilizer management on agronomic and economic performance of Pinto Bean - Fertilizer P rate and placement (2022)

Crop Types: Dry Beans

Centre(s): CMCDC, WADO

Effect of fertilizer management on agronomic and economic performance of Pinto Bean - Fertilizer P rate and placement

Effect of fertilizer management on agronomic and economic performance of Pinto Bean - Fertilizer N rate and inoculant (2022)

Crop Types: Dry Beans

Centre(s): CMCDC, WADO

Effect of fertilizer management on agronomic and economic performance of Pinto Bean - Fertilizer N rate and inoculant

Effect of Nitrogen management on agronomic and economic performance of Black Bean and assess white mould incidence severity under irrigated conditions (2022)

Crop Types: Dry Beans

Centre(s): CMCDC

Assess the impact of white mould incidence severity on black beans under irrigated conditions
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